It was a Saturday night, the middle of the night, and I was laying in bed wide awake just staring at my sleeping baby. And I realized that he had just turned six months old that day, how could he possibly be six months old already?
I could not fall back asleep. I honestly felt like I could not remember what my baby was like just a couple months prior. I mean sure, I had taken at least ten pictures of him everyday of his life so far. But, that just didn't seem like enough. So four days later we were back at our photographer's studio for some six month pics.
And, I was also anxiously awaiting a package:

How in the hell did I go six months without buying a baby book?
This milestone also gave me a great excuse to have a dinner party. And so begins the half birthday dinner planning. I guess half birthdays are like a thing now. Who knew?
And if you're wondering...
Yes, my lack of memory is what prompted me to start a blog.
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