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12 Recent "Mom"ents

I sat down to write a post about our week, only to then decide that we had a really boring one. Nolan didn't have any new firsts. There were no celebrations. Actually, I rarely even got dressed this week. But then I thought to myself that even without any excitement, every week is one to remember. It's another week that I got to be Nolan's mommy. Another week that I made it through as a new mom. Another week filled with little moments that I will miss so dearly years from now. Moments that I will want to share with Nolan, some that will make me laugh, and probably some that I would rather forget. I seen them to referred to as "mom"ents somewhere. And these are just some of them that I'm admitting to this week:

1. When I got up to leave a restaurant and saw the huge mess of puffs Nolan left underneath the highchair, I then proceeded to crawl around on the ground to pick them all up. 

2. When we were standing in line at a VERY quiet bank and Nolan let out a super loud fart. I'm quite certain that everyone thought it was me.  

3. When the Ikea employee had to stand there and wait as I removed and rearranged all of the baby gear in my trunk before he could load up the stuff I had just bought into it. 

4. When I lied and said I didn't have a babysitter and couldn't go out, but really I just didn't want to leave my baby, or put on real pants..

5. When I answered the door for the pizza delivery guy with baby spit up unknowingly all down my shirt. I just told myself that he probably didn't notice it, he totally did though...

6. When I licked my baby's hand to make sure that I got all of the wasabi taste off of it after he stuck it into my plate of sushi. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, and yes, yes they were. 

7. When I gave my baby a dog toy to keep him occupied while I grocery shopped because the pet aisle was closer than the toy aisle. 

8. When I held up the line at target because Nolan was making the cutest faces and I had to get a few pictures of him. It was worth it. 

9. When we were taking a friend to the airport and Nolan snuck a cheez-it out of her carry on bag sitting by his carseat.  I let him keep it long enough for me to get a couple pictures..

10. When I went to the mall specifically to buy myself a couple of new shirts but left there with three shirts, two pairs of jeans, and a pair of shoes... for Nolan. Nothing for me. 

11. When I snorted like a pig so many times that I got a headache, because it was making Nolan crack up laughing. 

12. When I literally chased down a family member who was holding Nolan and trying to let him eat frosting. Not gonna happen. 

And here's the picture of my little cheez-it bandit.

Will someone please tell me that every mom has moments like these too..


Baby Toy Favorites: 6 Months

We said farewell to our baby swing this week. 
I have been dreading the day that it could no longer be used. My chunky baby is far too big and strong for it. He used to sleep in it for hours. Now he just pulls on the toys that hang from the mobile causing it to make a crazy sound, and kicks his legs so hard that it makes the entire thing shake. He's a wild one.

Although I get more and more sad with each thing that he out grows, it's also so exciting to watch him move on to other things. I wanted to share his favorite toys over the past month. 

One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven 

1. This activity gym is so cool because it's a play mat and a ball bit. Nolan loves to sit in the middle of all of the balls and try to put one after another into his mouth. I put a bunch of toys in it too and he is occupied for a while. 

2. He cracks me up with this stacker, he will immediately pull the rings off every time I stack them. 

3. He really enjoys dumping things out of their container, so this block set is perfect. 

4. The Sophie teether is seriously famous. We usually have it with us everywhere we go and so many people have said things like "look, he's got his Sophie". It really is the best teether, Nolan loves chewing on the ears and making it squeak. 

5. This remote is our go to toy for car rides. It's easy for him to hold and push the buttons himself, and he likes that it lights up. 

6. We have a couple of different stuffed animals like this one. Nolan smiles every time they sing, it's the cutest thing ever. 

7. He goes absolutely wild jumping in this jumper. He has a blast in it, and makes everyone around laugh. 

8. I have a bunch of these teethers in our freezer at all times. They are cheap, easy to wash and seem to ease his teething discomfort.  

9. This piano has been one of his favorites for a few months now. Anything with lights and music is amusing. 

10. He enjoys flipping the pages in this book, and of course, because it also has lights and music. 

11. I was actually pretty amazed when I put him in this walker and he started moving all around the kitchen. He thinks it's pretty funny to plow into everything with it, and I kinda do too. 

I'm looking forward to picking out some outside toys as the weather gets warmer. I'm picturing a little blue swing hanging from our tree in the backyard. 

I'd love to hear about every ones favorite outdoor toys for their kids!?


Our Valentines Day + 5 Reasons Why it Was Better With a Baby

Valentines Day meant another first holiday for baby Nolan! I never realized how much more fun each holiday would be with a baby involved. I know that he doesn't even understand what's going on, but I enjoy celebrating with him anyways. I can't wait to show him the pictures when he's older. And, I hope he is able to see how much I love and adore him. 

I've had some pretty horrible Valentines in the past, and I'm so thankful that I now have a little guy of my own to forever be my valentine. I came up with 5 reasons why a baby is a better Valentine: 

1. They'll take as many cheesy pictures with you as you want. They won't even yell at you when your going on selfie number 32.

2. Sitting at home making heart shaped crafts is way better than going on a date to a restaurant the same night everyone is going on a date to a restaurant. 

3. You get to go shopping for valentines gifts at the baby store instead of a men's store, enough said.

4. You can complain all you want about all the annoying couples on Facebook and they will just listen and smile at you. 

5. At the end of the night they don't expect anything more than a goodnight kiss. 

Here's a look at our Valentines day together, and Nolan's presents. 

Next up is St Patrick's Day, can't wait! :)

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New Job Title: Stay at Home Mom

I never imagined myself as a stay at home mom. While pregnant, my plan was to go back to work full time after maternity leave. Who was I kidding? As soon as I laid eyes on Nolan I knew I was never going to want to leave him. I tried it though. Just part time. And, It. Was. Torture. 

Everyone kept telling me that it would get easier. It did NOT get easier. It most definitely got harder. Most days I would fight back tears on the drive in. And then worry the whole day about my precious baby. On breaks I would pump my breast milk in my car while I went through 20 questions on the phone with whoever was watching him: When did baby wake up? How much did he eat? Why is he crying? No, seriously.. how long has he been crying?

Being a breastfed baby, Nolan did not take well to a bottle. Even though it was breast milk inside of it, he just wanted me. He also would barely sleep the whole day. So I would come home to a starving, sleep deprived baby, and a stressed out dad or grandparent. It was just not working. 

So hello stay at home mom life. I am beyond grateful that we were able to make it work. And I'm adjusting to my new normal. It's a 24/7 job with no breaks, but its totally the best one I've ever had. 
Here's some photos from our past week:


For some extra cash, I'm looking into opening an Etsy shop. I think I'll just stick with tutus at first. I love making them and they are pretty easy. Gotta start somewhere! 

Here's a doll outfit I made for my sister.

Time to buy some tulle. 

Stay tuned ;)