
Our Valentines Day + 5 Reasons Why it Was Better With a Baby

Valentines Day meant another first holiday for baby Nolan! I never realized how much more fun each holiday would be with a baby involved. I know that he doesn't even understand what's going on, but I enjoy celebrating with him anyways. I can't wait to show him the pictures when he's older. And, I hope he is able to see how much I love and adore him. 

I've had some pretty horrible Valentines in the past, and I'm so thankful that I now have a little guy of my own to forever be my valentine. I came up with 5 reasons why a baby is a better Valentine: 

1. They'll take as many cheesy pictures with you as you want. They won't even yell at you when your going on selfie number 32.

2. Sitting at home making heart shaped crafts is way better than going on a date to a restaurant the same night everyone is going on a date to a restaurant. 

3. You get to go shopping for valentines gifts at the baby store instead of a men's store, enough said.

4. You can complain all you want about all the annoying couples on Facebook and they will just listen and smile at you. 

5. At the end of the night they don't expect anything more than a goodnight kiss. 

Here's a look at our Valentines day together, and Nolan's presents. 

Next up is St Patrick's Day, can't wait! :)

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