As of April 2nd my little Nolan is 9 months old! He's a wild little ball of energy and I am just having so much fun watching him grow and learn new things. It's crazy how much they can change in just a short month, so here goes another monthly baby update.
Age: 9 months
Stats: Weighs 22 lbs 4 oz and is 29.5 inches tall.
Sizes: 4 in diapers, 12-18 months in clothes, 3 in shoes.
Words: Mama, dada, and we swear we have heard him say a few other things. For example: "egg roll" :))
Milestones: He is crawling all over the place. It takes just seconds and he's across the room. He is our little explorer, and is already into EVERYTHING.
He pushes himself off the ground into a downward dog position, but he hasn't figured out how to get his upper body up from there.
Waves hi!
Understands what "No" means.
Foods: Nolan LOVES tofu! He cannot shovel it into his mouth fast enough. He also likes blueberries and asparagus.
I used to make him breastmilk popsicles, but now I've been trying fruit ones and they're a big hit. I usually give him one while I'm trying to make dinner, it keeps him occupied. I use these cute little popsicle molds.
Side note: Stevie gave him a bite of cheesecake while I wasn't in the room and he apparently was not impressed, good boy Nolan!
Favorite Things: This musical dino toy is definitely his favorite right now. He likes to put all kinds of toys in it, and then push on it to stop it from popping. I think it is currently broken from that.
Throwing dishes out of the dishwasher as I put them in it.
Throwing dishes out of the dishwasher as I put them in it.
He loves to open and close drawers, I put my hand in-between so he doesn't slam his in it and just let him go to town!
He is still obsessed with animals. Real, stuffed, animated; he loves them all.
Least Favorite Things: Getting dressed, he fights me the entire time. It takes so long to get out of the house nowadays!
Getting his face wiped after he eats. He will literally scream as if I am seriously injuring him. I really need to buy these flavored wipes.
Looking Forward To: Taking him to swimming lessons!
And, I'm still waiting on him to sleep through the whole night.....
Nolan Matthew you've brought me so much joy. I can't wait to see what you have coming for me this next month, but please, stop growing up so fast!
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