
Flashback Friday: The Gender Reveal

January 2015

One of the most exciting things about being pregnant is finding out if you're having a baby boy or a baby girl. Whoever came up with the gender reveal party idea is a genius. I was so excited about the idea of finding out what we were having along with all of our family and friends. I started planning the party in my mind almost immediately after finding out that I was expecting. My baby was the first grand baby on my side, so it really was a super exciting time for everyone. 

Just Stevie and I went to the ultrasound appointment. He kept trying to talk me into finding out there and just having our family be surprised at the party. I had the tech tell us when to close our eyes so we didn't see the gender, and basically just had to continue to hit Stevie everytime he tried to peak. I gave her a piece of paper to write the results on and an envelope to put it in along with the ultrasound pictures.

We had the party at my dad and stepmom's house. It was originally just going to be our close family and best friends, but it turned into about 60 people. The theme was bow ties or tiaras. I bought a heart shaped piñata and recovered it with pink and blue tissue paper. I gave the results envelope to a family friend so she could stuff the piñata with the corresponding color. She was the only one that knew the gender. 

Pay no mind to my little sister's zebra carpet..


Although you can't see it well in the pictures, it did say boy under the or. 

We had the party catered since the guest list grew so much. And we got some adorable bow tie and tiara cookies and cupcakes made. 

Also, there were some peanut and regular m&m's. :)

We asked everyone to wear either pink or blue, depending on what they thought the baby was. We made bow ties for the team boy people to wear and bought tiaras for team girl people to wear. Stevie and I wore white along with our guess related accessories. 

We made photo booth props and my stepmom made sure to get a picture of everyone at the party with them! We also had someone make these hilarious baby onesies.


I had people write their name on a pink or blue "balloon" for the baby's scrap book. It was the first time I ever wrote the word "mom" when referring to myself. I picked a pink balloon.

When everyone had arrived we finally pulled the piñata strings.

Stevie had to rip the piñata more so all the confetti would fall.


Surprise! Baby Brooks is a 

We bought these baby converse for a cute way to spread the reveal on social media.

It was such an amazing night full of so much excitement and love. I can't wait to have another one for our next pregnancy!

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