
Nolan is 8 Months Old

Time is flying by over here, and March means that my baby is 8 months old! I wanted to do a post on my little man as he is currently, because he is changing so fast. I can't believe he will be one in four short months (insert crying emoji here). 

Age: 8 months

Stats: Weighs 21 lbs 13 oz and is 2 ft 4 inches tall.

Sizes: 4 in diapers, 12 months in clothes.

Words: Mama and Dada.  

Nicknames: Nolie, Nolie-polie, and chubs.

Milestones: Pulls himself up to standing position while holding onto something.
Tries to crawl, but mainly just scoots himself backwards. 
His pincer grasp is well developed, he grabs everything! 
Can drink from a sippy cup and a straw. 

Foods: I make homemade baby food and it has been going pretty good. His favorites are green beans, sweet potatoes and avocados. He also can't get enough puffs! He very much dislikes carrots. We're just starting to try more solid of foods. He really likes to feed himself, so I bought this feeder, and we love it.

Favorite Things: Me! He is my velcro baby, always wants to be attached to me. 
Still likes being in a baby wrap. 
Being outside, or looking outside from the window.
Having every one's attention on him.
Playing with his toys, and really just anything that he can get his hands on. 
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is his jam. I found this YouTube video of kids songs a while back and he still loves them. He will instantly stop crying when he hears it start playing. 
Animals are probably his most favorite thing. Except for talking birds, those are apparently terrifying. 

Least Favorite Things: Riding in the car when it's dark outside. Sleeping when mom isn't laying next to him. And most recently: baths! 

Looking Forward to: Pictures with the Easter bunny. Taking him to the zoo, as soon as it warms up outside. And hopefully him sleeping through the night soon?!

He will no longer sit in this rocking chair for pictures. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever to just jump right out of it. ...Or just stand on it as shown above!

My little man has quite the personality already. I say it every month, but this age is my favorite so far. He gets more fun, and cute, everyday. 
We love you so much baby boy, happy 8 months!

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